CMG Capital provides strategic airplane financing.
When you want to acquire an airplane one needs to understand all the available financing options. CMG Capital is a company that possesses the perfect blend of experience, financial strength, integrity and resourcefulness. Whether you are to buying or leasing we’re ideally qualified to assist you. Since 2015 we have provided over $150 Million Dollars in both private and bank financing. We work closely with highly experienced aviation consultants, who have a worldwide reputation for tending to all the details each transaction requires.
CMG Capital understands that a successful transaction is one that satisfies both the seller and buyer and we are here to support the transaction throughout the entire process.

As you’ll discover, we keep all client and transaction details confidential, unless otherwise authorized to disclose such information by the client.

If you or your company is interested in buying, leasing, trading in, or selling an airplane, we invite you to contact us.